Provided below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) to answer the most commonly asked questions. If after viewing this page you require a more specific answer or your question is not covered, please feel free to email us at info@goodfellow.co.kr

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Order and Payment
Shipping and Handling

Goodfellow supplies small to medium quantities of metals, alloys, ceramics and polymers for research, development, prototyping and specialised manufacturing operations.
Just over 500 different materials and 32 different forms (rod, wire, tube, foil, etc.).
Send an email to info@goodfellow.co.kr. Don't forget to include your name and address so that we know where to send it!
PDF catalogues can be accessed and downloaded from this Catalogue Link, or by selecting the PDF List in the navigation menu.
Goodfellow’s standard terms of payment are net 30 days from the date of invoice. Alternative payment terms must be agreed in writing with Goodfellow at the time of ordering.
The distributors’ payment terms will apply.
If you or your company has a credit account with Goodfellow, purchases made online on the website will be charged in the usual manner. If you do not have an account with us or would prefer not to use your account, Goodfellow accepts payment via VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Switch and Delta.
The distributors’ payment policy will apply.
The prices quoted in the Goodfellow catalogue are inclusive of shipping by courier (FedEx, UPS or DHL) and, therefore, there are no extra charges for shipping. There are exceptions where products will require packing fee. Applicable import duty and taxes will be levied. Please contact us for more details.
The quotation will usually include shipping charges and applicable import duty and taxes so there are no extra charges. Please contact the distributor for more details.
Products in stock will be delivered to customers within 10 working days after the quotation has been confirmed.
Products not in stock: Delivery is based on the delivery lead time stipulated in the quotation.
Please contact Goodfellow before returning any orders. When Goodfellow has agreed to the return, we will provide a return serial number and the return instructions.
All orders are packed with great care and inspected fully before shipping. If there are defects or if the order is incorrect, please contact us within 3 days after receiving the order.
Please retain the original packaging for our verification. Goodfellow will replace the order at no additional cost or refund the full payment amount.